masterID masterLabel masterSynopsis masterDepiction detailsID detailsLabel detailsSynopsis
Making a connection to MySQL on Microsoft Azure from an OpenLink ODBC Driver (Connector)
About the installation and configuration of ODBC connectivity to MySQL on Microsoft's Azure Cloud 
                      Platform using the OpenLink ODBC Drivers for macOS from a variety of applications, including 
                      Microsoft Excel.*WynCqbWiz8FIS60wG8MIfg.png
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming
                      interface (API) that enables the development and deployment
                      of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
Oracle ODI, Microsoft Excel, and the OpenLink ODBC to JDBC Bridge Driver
Using the Oracle Data-Integrator (ODI) version 12-2-1 with Microsoft Excel via the Openlink JDBC to ODBC Bridge Drivers.*cgCL2U4AOpmAMY7WvTicug.png
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming
                      interface (API) that enables the development and deployment
                      of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
Making a connection to SQL Server on Microsoft Azure from an OpenLink ODBC Driver (Connector)
About the installation and configuration of ODBC connectivity to SQL Server on Microsoft's Azure Cloud 
                      Platform using the OpenLink ODBC Drivers for macOS from a variety of applications, including 
                      Microsoft Excel.*nn3hBGPceas-2bEg423zEQ.png
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming
                      interface (API) that enables the development and deployment
                      of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
Making a connection to PostgreSQL on Microsoft Azure from an OpenLink ODBC Driver (Connector)
About the installation and configuration of ODBC connectivity to PostgreSQL on Microsoft's Azure Cloud 
                      Platform using the OpenLink ODBC Drivers for macOS from a variety of applications, including 
                      Microsoft Excel.*7j8NlGSJFUw9FwJKJSCj-Q.png
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming
                      interface (API) that enables the development and deployment
                      of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
Why Should I Pay for ODBC or JDBC Drivers (Connectors)?
A post about characteristics that differentiate Free ODBC and JDBC Drivers from their commercial equivalents. It covers important areas such as:
                      <li>Security -- using a sophisticated profile matrix to control data access based on user identity, machine identity, application identity, ip address, 
                      or any combination of the aformentioned combined with additional custom factors, if need be</li> 
                      <li>Application Support -- exploit the power and promise of open data connectivity using a wide variety applications rather than a select few; features like
                      scrollable cursors offer sophisticated functionality in a variety of forms (keyset or dynamic) that ultimately affect application behavior and cost-effectiveness</li>
                      <li>Performance & Scalability -- ensuring that performance and scalability are never impediments to open data connectivity exploitation</li> 
                      <li>Flexible License -- paying for the value provided by way of sophisticated licensing, based on CPU Affinity (rather than all the CPUs available in a given host machine) and 
                           concurrent users.</li>
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming
                      interface (API) that enables the development and deployment
                      of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
Free 90 Day ODBC and JDBC Drivers for LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Connectivity re COVID19
About our ODBC and/or JDBC Drivers for COVID19 Knowledge Graph access using existing applications and services.
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming
                      interface (API) that enables the development and deployment
                      of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
ODBC and JDBC access to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph for COVID19
Here's a note about extending Data Connectivity to existing ODBC and JDBC compliant applications and services ie Dashboard.
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming
                      interface (API) that enables the development and deployment
                      of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
SAP HANA, Microsoft Excel, and the OpenLink ODBC to JDBC Bridge Driver
Connecting to SAP HANA using Microsoft Excel for macOS via the Openlink JDBC to ODBC Bridge Drivers.*cvYoGGTWOl8VzJkTJYcEzg.png
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming
                      interface (API) that enables the development and deployment
                      of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.
Connecting QlikView and QlikSense to JDBC-accessible Data Sources via the OpenLink ODBC-JDBC Bridge Driver (Connector)
QlikView and QlikSense from Qlik both provide native support for ODBC, which provides access to numerous data sources. 
                      However, it doesn't provide access to data sources that are only JDBC-accessible, which leaves this genre of data source 
                      inaccessible without appropriate middleware in the form of our ODBC-JDBC Bridge Drivers.*D53ga9whxoGzPWFPb7wemA.png
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
A Java-programming-language-based application programming
                      interface (API) that enables the development and deployment
                      of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.