How To Install and Configure the Multi-Tier Edition JDBC Drivers for Oracle (Linux)

Server Components

Installation (Request Broker and Database Agent)

  1. Log in to your Unix or Linux server machine, and Create and/or navigate to the intended OpenLink installation directory, e.g.,
    mkdir /opt/openlink
    cd /opt/openlink

    Note: cd into the installation directory.
  2. The installation files ship as an installation shell script, a driver .taz archive, and an optional administrator .taz file. Download these documents using binary-preserving methods (e.g., ftp in BIN mode, or scp), and place them in your installation folder.
  3. Run the following command to start the installation:

    You must choose a TCP port at which the OpenLink Request Broker will listen for requests. The default is 5000. You will need to know this port number and the Broker host's IP address or hostname when configuring ODBC Data Source Names (DSNs). You must choose a TCP port at which the OpenLink Request Broker's HTTP-based Admin Assistant will listen for requests. The default is 8000. You will need to know this port number and the Broker host's IP address or hostname to access your Admistrator in a Web browser. The URL will look like this:
  4. Additional Configuration Parameters:
    • Log file? enables you to specify the name and location of the OpenLink Request Broker's HTTP-based Admin Assistant's log file. It is best to go with the default.
    • You can choose to log all requests made to the OpenLink Request Broker's HTTP-based Admin Assistant. This is not diagnostic-level ODBC tracing nor multi-tier connection logging. The default is no, and this is generally appropriate.
    • You can change the OpenLink Request Broker's HTTP-based Admin Assistant's default username from "admin." This is the username you will use when working with the OpenLink Request Broker's HTTP-based Admin Assistant. (You can set up other usernames later; consider this one similar to "root.")
    • You can change the OpenLink Request Broker's HTTP-based Admin Assistant's default password from "admin." This is the password associated with the username you just set.
    The Installation is complete.
  5. Optionally, The domain section of the rulebook contains the Database Agent connection parameters for the outgoing connections towards your Oracle database.
    Default Database Agent names for oracle use the following pattern:
    [generic_ora{{version}}]. For Example, the Oracle 12 parameters are located in:
    Locate your Database Agent, and uncomment the "Connect Options" parameter.
    Add your hostname and port values using the following template:
    Connect Options = -H {{host}} -P {{port number}}.
    Configuration is complete.
  6. Installation is complete, proceed to making a test connection with your Client Component installation.
Non-Advanced Users should proceed to the Client Components installation and configuration guides
  1. Open the file $OPENLINK_INSTALL/bin/odbc.ini with a suitable text editor such as vi.
  2. Locate and edit the [OpenLink] section, which is a sample OpenLink Generic ODBC data source (DSN) created during the installation process. This is the sample DSN as created by the installer:
Driver          = /OPENLINK_INSTALL/lib/
Host            = localhost:5000
ServerType      = Oracle 8.1.x
Database        = 
Options         = 
Username        = 
Password        = 
FetchBufferSize = 99
ReadOnly        = no
DeferLongFetch  = no
JetFix          = no
Description     = Sample DSN
  • Example Oracle 9.x (Full Client) Data Source:
Driver          = /OPENLINK_INSTALL/lib/
Host            = requestbroker_hostname:5000
ServerType      = Oracle 9.x
Options         = TNSNAME
Username        = oracle
Password        = **********
FetchBufferSize = 99
ReadOnly        = no
DeferLongFetch  = no
JetFix          = no
Description     = Sample Oracle 9.x (Full Client) Connection
  • Example Oracle 10.x (Full Client) Data Source:
Driver          = /OPENLINK_INSTALL/lib/
Host            = requestbroker_hostname:5000
ServerType      = Oracle 10.x
Options         = TNSNAME
Username        = oracle
Password        = **********
FetchBufferSize = 99
ReadOnly        = no
DeferLongFetch  = no
JetFix          = no
Description     = Sample Oracle 10.x (Full Client) Connection
  • Example Oracle 10.x (Instant Client) Data Source:
Driver          = /OPENLINK_INSTALL/lib/
Host            = requestbroker_hostname:5000
ServerType      = Oracle 10.x
Options         = //oracle_hostname:port/TNSNAME
Username        = oracle
Password        = **********
FetchBufferSize = 99
ReadOnly        = no
DeferLongFetch  = no
JetFix          = no
Description     = Sample Oracle 10.x (Instant Client) Connection

Presuming the OpenLink Request Broker is already running on the target machine, you are now ready to test the connection. Use the iodbctest tool which is packaged with the HTTP-based OpenLink ODBC Administrator as follows:

# . ./
# iodbctest oracle10

iODBC Demonstration program This program shows an interactive SQL processor Driver Manager: 03.52.0507.0105 Driver: 06.02.1217 OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver (

SQL>You should now be able to issue SQL statements directly against the target database.

Additional Information:

The bitness of the Generic ODBC Driver is determined by the bitness of your ODBC client application.

That is, if your ODBC client application is 32-bit, then the Generic ODBC Driver component MUST also be 32-bit.

  1. Prerequisites:
    • You MUST be proficient in using a Unix shell.
    • You MUST be proficient in using a Unix editor such as vi.
    • You MUST be in possession of relevant database connectivity details such as Database name, Username, password, etc.
    • You MUST have installed and available either a full installation of Oracle, Oracle Client, or Oracle Instant Client (release 6.x only).
  2. Open the file <OPENLINK_INSTALL>/ with a suitable text editor such as vi.
  3. Locate the section that deals with the location of shared libraries pertaining to your system (LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBPATH, or SHLIB_PATH) and add to it the location of your Informix lib and lib/esql directories:
  4. Open the file <OPENLINK_INSTALL>/openlink.ini with a suitable text editor such as vi.
  5. Locate the [Environment Oracle xxx] section that deals with the driver specific Oracle configuration and edit to reflect your Oracle installation:
          [Environment Oracle 10.x]
          ORACLE_HOME        = /oracle/
          ;ORACLE_SID         = ORCL
          ;ORACLE_SERVER      = T
          ;TWO_TASK           = P:
          ;ODBC_CATALOGS      = Y     ; Uncomment after loading odbccat10.sql
          ;MULTIPLEX_LDA      = 5     ; Allow 5 OpenLink clients on a single lda
          ;OPL_USR_TBLS_FIRST = Y     ; Sort SQLTables starting with user tables
          SHOW_REMARKS        = N     ; Retrieve SQLColumns REMARKS field
          CURSOR_SENSITIVITY  = LOW   ; Set to HIGH after loading odbccat10.sql
          ;OCI_PREFETCH_ROWS  = 100   ; Number of rows to prefetch
          ;OCI_PREFETCH_MEMORY = 65535 ; Amount of memory to use for prefetching
          ;NLS_LANG           = AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8 ; Unicode connection
  6. Open the file <OPENLINK_INSTALL>/bin/odbc.ini with a suitable text editor such as vi.
  7. Locate and edit the sample OpenLink Oracle ODBC data source (DSN) created during the installation process and edit as follows:
          Driver            = <OPENLINK_INSTALL>/lib/
          ServerType        = Oracle 10.x
          Options           = <TNSName>
          Username          = <scott>
          Password          = <**********>
          FetchBufferSize   = 99
          ReadOnly          =
          DeferLongFetch    =
          JetFix            = No
          Description       = Sample Oracle 10.x Lite Connection
  8. Use the iodbctest tool which is packaged with the HTTP-based OpenLink ODBC Administrator as follows:
          # cd <OPENLINK_INSTALL>
          # . ./
          # iodbctest oracle
    iODBC Demonstration program
    This program shows an interactive SQL processor
    Driver Manager: 03.52.0507.0105
    Driver: 06.02.1217 OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver (

  9. You should now be able to issue SQL statements directly against the target database.

Additional Information:
The bitness of the ODBC Driver for MySQL is determined by the bitness of your ODBC client application.
That is, if your ODBC client application is 32-bit then the Generic ODBC Driver component MUST also be 32-bit.

  1. Database Agent modifications are made using the Request Broker's Rulebook (oplrqb.ini).
    • Open this document using your preferred text editor (e.g., vim, vi).
  2. Oracle Environments are denoted by "Environment Oracle", followed by a version number. For example:
    [Environment Oracle6]
    • Locate your environment, and confirm that the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID values are correct.
    • For example:
      [Environment ORACLE180]
      ORACLE_HOME        = {Oracle-Installation-Home-Directory}
      ORACLE_SID         = {Oracle-System-ID}
    • Save these changes and exit the file.
  3. Run "oplrqb stop" to stop the request broker.
  4. Run "oplrqb start" to start the request broker with your new rulebook settings.

Client Components


  1. Log in to your Unix or Linux server machine, and create and/or navigate to the intended OpenLink installation directory, e.g.,
    mkdir /opt/openlink
    cd /opt/openlink
    • Note: You can replace "/opt/openlink" with your desired installation path.
  2. CD into the installation directory.
    cd /opt/openlink
  3. The installation files ship as an installation shell script, a driver .taz archive, and an optional administrator .taz file.
    Download these documents using binary-preserving methods (e.g., ftp in BIN mode, or scp), and place them in your installation folder.
  4. Export your JAVA_HOME variable. It should pass the full path to your JAVA installation.
    export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/your/JAVA/installation
    • Note: Replace "/path/to/your/JAVA/installation" with the actual path to your Java installation directory.
    • Note: Use the echo command to ensure that JAVA_HOME is set correctly.
  5. Run the following command to start the installation:
  6. The installation is complete.


  1. The OpenLink installer should set your CLASSPATH. You should have a pre-existing JAVA_HOME directory that points to the root of your JAVA installation. No further configuration should be needed.
  2. Driver Name: opljdbc3.jar, megathin3.jar
  3. Driver Class Name: openlink.jdbc3.Driver
  4. Connection URL: jdbc:openlink://<Hostname>:[portnumber] [/UID] [/PWD] [/READONLY] [/SVT] [/APPLICATION] [/FBS|FETCHBUFFERSIZE] [/ENCRYPTED] [/CHARSET] [/UNICODE] [/DLF] [/DATABASE] [/OPTIONS] [/DRIVER]
    • Hostname - Network Alias or IP address of the machine that runs an OpenLink Request Broker instance.
    • Port Number - TCP port on which the Request Broker listens.
    • /UID - Database username.
    • /PWD - Database password.
    • /READONLY - Read-write or read-only session mode.
    • /SVT - A valid domain alias from the [Domain Aliases] section of the OpenLink server component's oplrqb.ini file. Default domain aliases represent the type of database agent to which the application intends to connect, e.g., DB2, Informix 2000, Oracle 8.1.x. Custom aliases may take any form.
    • /APPLICATION - The Application name. Enables connectivity when restrictive server-side rules screen by application name.
    • /FBS (or /FETCHBUFFERSIZE) - The Fetch Buffer Size. The Fetch Buffer Size is an integer that represents the number of rows to return during one fetch operation.
    • /ENCRYPTED - Sets the Encrypted flag for outgoing packets. /ENCRYPTED may pass '1', '0', 'Y', 'N', 'y', or 'n'. (This feature is disabled by default.)
    • /CHARSET - Specifies the charset of remote databases. The default value is read from System.getProperty("file.encoding").
    • /UNICODE - Instantiates unicode. The unicode connection isn't used by default. The value may be '1', '0', 'Y', 'N', 'y', 'n' (This feature is disabled by default.)
    • /DLF - Pushes large, binary objects to the end of the result set. Smaller data types are retrieved first. This enhances performance. /DLF may be set to '1', '0', 'Y', 'N', 'y', or 'n'. (This feature is disabled by default.)
    • /DATABASE - Actual database name within a particular database environment.
    • /OPTIONS - Optional parameter that passes specialized database native client connection parameters. Do not use this parameter unless you need to pass Progress socket parameters or database native client parameters that enable a local OpenLink database agent to locate a remote database. Example parameters would be Oracle Net10 Service Names, Ingres vnodes, remote Informix instance names, or DB2 remote database aliases.
    • /DRIVER - The Driver name contained in curly brackets ({}). Used for DSN-Less connections to remote ODBC Drivers.
  5. Examples of Connection URLs:
    • jdbc:openlink://localhost:5000/SVT=Ingres II/DATABASE=iidbdb/UID=ingres/PWD=ingres
    • jdbc:openlink:// 8.1.x/DATABASE=ORCL/UID=scott/PWD=tiger
    • jdbc:openlink://saturn:5000/SVT=Progress 91D/DATABASE=isports/OPTIONS=-S isports -N tcp -H saturn
    • jdbc:openlink://localhost:5000/SVT=SQLServer 2000/DATABASE=Northwind/UID=sa/OPTIONS=-S SATURN